Individual Giving Yes! I would like to make a gift to support Lakewood Theatre Company, Lakewood Center for the Arts, or the Lake Oswego Festival of the Arts. Individual Giving $ Donation Amount: $10.00$25.00$50.00$100.00$250.00$500.00$1,000.00Custom Amount Make this donation monthly Your Information First Name * Required Last Name Email Phone Mailing Address City State Zip Please designate my gift to:(Your gift will be divided equally if multiple selections are checked) Dee Denton Gallery Dee Denton Gallery Proceeds go to underwriting operational and program expenses of the gallery at Lakewood. Lakewood Theatre Company Lakewood Theatre Company Proceeds underwrite annual operating and program expenses of theatre productions. Lakewood Center for the Arts Lakewood Center for the Arts Proceeds fund capital projects for the facility, maintenance, special projects and operation of the Center. Lakewood Center Endowment Fund Lakewood Center Endowment Fund Proceeds go directly to a trust fund for long term maintenance and stability of the Center and its programs. Friends of the Festival Friends of the Festival Underwrite annual operating expenses of the Lake Oswego Festival of the Arts - a city-wide arts celebration led by the Lakewood Center every June. Buy A Brick - Commemorative Walkway Buy A Brick - Commemorative Walkway Gifts designated to this account will continue to fill the Commemorative Brick Walkway. Proceeds from this project will fund capital projects for building and maintenance. Leave "Make this donation monthly" unselected above, and enter the correct amount in the "custom amount" box. Each brick is $200, each paver is $1,000 and each paver with logo is $1,050. Type your inscription into the comment box below. Bricks and pavers with logos have 3 lines of copy. Pavers without logo have 5 lines of copy. Each line is 17 characters, spaces included. This gift is in memory of: This gift is in honor of: Comments / Requests Select Payment Method Authorize.Net - eCheck Authorize.Net - Credit Card Personal Info First Name * Last Name Email Address * Bank Details Routing Number Account Number Name on Account Account Type CheckingSavingsBusiness Checking Donation Total: $100.00 One Time